Annual Projects

Projects and Activities

Our Kiwanis club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.  Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships and personal growth.

Projects and activities in which we are currently involved:

  • Little Olympics: Held on the first Friday in May, students in 3rd-6th grade from San Angelo ISD and other school districts in our area, participate in track and field events.  Students receive medals and it is a great opportunity for them to participate with hundreds of other kids in an active, fun competition.

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  • Geranium Sales:  Annually in the spring, the club sells geraniums provided by a local grower.  Orders are taken in February and are usually delivered around spring break.

  • Garage Sale: A garage sale is held every other year. Club members and friends contribute items and the sale is held on a Saturday in an air conditioned building. A lot of fun is had by all!

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  • Operation Christmas Child:  Every year before Christmas, the San Angelo Kiwanis Club members help gather items and fill shoeboxes to send to children around the world.

  • Helping Hands:  (Formerly Christmas in April)  Every year, the San Angelo Kiwanis Club participates in this community-wide project which involves working on a house for an elderly or disabled individual who cannot afford repairs.  Usually this includes painting and minor plumbing or carpentry projects.

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  • Children's Miracle Network:  At various times throughout the year, the San Angelo Kiwanis Club helps with the Children's Miracle Network fundraising efforts.  This includes a radiothon, a telethon, and an I-HOP pancake day.  Funds raised from these activities go directly to the CMN program at Shannon Hospital.

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  • Valentine’s Day Bake Sale:  Each year the club has a fundraiser selling baked goods and other treats for Valentine's Day, made and packaged by some of our very talented Kiwanians.  Orders are taken in late January and early February, then made to order and available for pick up a day or two before Valentines Day.

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  •   Salvation Army Bell Ringing:  Annually the club volunteers bell ringing for the Salvation Army one Saturday during the Christmas season.  We do this in front of the WalMart on Sherwood Way.

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  • Concho Christmas Lights:  Annually the club volunteers taking donations for the Concho Christmas Lights Tour one evening in December. Sometimes chilly, but always a good time!

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